Of the 68 children that come to Kind Hearts every day, 63 have been matched with a sponsor!!! We still have 5 kids that need to be matched with a sponsor!
If you have been considering sponsorship - please contact me. Take the step that will change the life of a child. Your commitment of $34/month ensures that your sponsor child gets 2 nutritious meals every day, as well as clothing, education, medical care and Christian discipleship. The Hopechest team in Ethiopia spends time with the kids every week - in both group settings and one-on-one.
We have been getting regular updates from Kind Hearts and the sponsorship program is already impacting the children. We've even had one sponsor already visit the Kind Hearts Kids in Ethiopia! And we now have BOTH teachers "sponsored", to ensure they get a monthly salary for the care and valuable education they provide for our kids. Contact me at kjwistrom@yahoo.com to be matched with one of the 5 kids that still need a sponsor.
(The photo above was taken last week at Kind Hearts, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.)
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