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Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's hard to ask ...

It's hard to ask for help with capital projects at the care-points in Ethiopia.  Especially in this economy where EVERYONE is feeling financial pressure, or living with a reduced household income, or feeling uncertainty about the future of their job and their financial security.

And despite that ... I still need to ask for financial help for the construction projects that our team will be working on in Ethiopia - FIVE WEEKS FROM NOW.

At both of the care-points (Kind Hearts with 68 kids, and Trees of Glory with 84 kids) orphaned children are living in extreme poverty.  With NONE of the basic necessities that we take for granted every day - like electricity, or running water or even clean water. 

Ever since every child was matched with a sponsor family, they have seen a dramatic difference in their lives. 

There are nutritious meals every day now. 

Instead of the same tattered and stained clothing that they have worn for who knows how long .. they now have clothing that fits and that they can change into while the other set is being washed. 

And as of last week ... THERE IS A SCHOOL!!!  For many of the kids at Trees of Glory, this is the first time they have ever been in a classroom!  Now they will have the opportunity to get an education that will change the course of their lives!!

While our team is in Ethiopia, 4 of the guys will be spending 4 full days working to make the care-point a better place for the children.  They will be replacing tin on the roofs to help keep the rain out.  They will be improving the safety and security of the care-point by replacing broken windows and fixing broken locks on doors. 

At the moment, the "school" is nothing more than a raw-cement block building with benches and a single chalk-board.  Our team will arrive with school supplies and books and pencils and notebooks, and our construction team will be working to make it a functioning classroom. 

We've also been asked to help dam up a small area of the river to help irrigate a vegetable garden.  Whatever the need - we'll throw our hearts and energy and muscle to the task for these kids.

The kids gather at the care-point in the morning, to spend the day in safety,
with school and meals.

A few of the kids at "Trees of Glory" care-point.  Most of these children have lost
both parents and are living with a neighbor or relative that cannot provide for them.

Some of the cement-block buildings at the care-point that need windows
and doors repaired, and work completed to transform them into
classrooms, a dormitory and a church.

This is where YOU come in .. because we can't do it alone.

We need to raise about $4000 so we can purchase all of the construction materials before we arrive.  If we raise enough for the contruction projects, we'll use the remaining money to purchase desks for the classroom.  Almost half of the money is already raised - but we need your help to raise the full amount.  And the clock is ticking ... because we leave in 5 weeks!

To help with the construction projects at the care-points, please go to, click on GIVE, specify the $$ amount, and then clearly specify ET101101T-PROJECTS in the notes area.

Two families that sponsor children at these care-points have offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from their personal adoption fund-raisers.

Becky Burk sponsors a little girl at "Kind Hearts" (and she got to meet her when she travelled to Ethiopia last spring) and a little boy at "Trees of Glory".  Becky is an adoptive mom and a very talented blog/graphic designer.  Please check out her blog and her "Adopt Africa" magnets here

For a limited time, Becky is donating 100% of the proceeds of each "Adopt Africa" magnet sale to the care-point projects at Kind Hearts and Trees of Glory.  Scroll down the right hand side of her blog until you see the "Adopt Africa" magnets and the paypal button.  Each magnet is only $7 (+ $1.50 shipping) but it adds up fast for the care-points!  Please check out her blog at .

The other family is the Davidson family.  They have a 4 1/2 year old little boy waiting for them in Ethiopia to become part of their family - and they sponsor a little boy at Kind Hearts.  Their 11 year old daughter, Samantha, is making and selling bottle-cap necklaces for only $5.00 each (+$1.00 for shipping) and they are the rage among teens and tweens (I can personally attest to this fact - my middle school age daughters LOVE them!)  Click here

They make wonderful Christmas gifts and 100% of your purchase will be donated to the care-points.  Stock up while you can - for a great cause! 

With her bottle-cap neckaces sales, Samantha has single-handedly provided shoes for over 100 orphans in Ethiopia - and she has already raised over $600 for the care-point construction projects.  Please check out this amazing little girl's blog (and buy a bunch of necklaces for all the girls on your Christmas list) at

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