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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not so picture perfect ...

The temperature finally clawed its way above the zero mark, and we with cabin fever spent some time outside ... me with finger poised over the shutter. :)  The snow is REALLY deep and I stepped off the plowed path to take this picture and sunk to my hip in the snow.  I got the shot - and the kids thought it was funny.

I know they LOOK picture perfect ... :)  but I don't post all the eye rolls or the frowns or the yelling, "HURRY UP AND TAKE THE PICTURE!"

- or Emme stomping off down the path because she's just plain DONE!  (The joys of a dramatic teen-ager.  Everything is a crisis - ALL. THE. TIME.)

I'm not making light of it.  I think I can vaguely remember when EVERYTHING was a crisis.  ALL. THE. TIME.  But that was a long time ago and I'm sure my parents don't even remember. :)

So here's one of the photos between the "picture perfect" shots.  After I take a test shot -  I check the lighting and sometimes I zoom in on the faces to see if they are crisp and in focus.  "Oops, Wesley," I said, "I think you have some food stuck in your teeth."  The older kids, wanting to get the photo session over as quickly as possible, "helped" him clean his teeth so we could resume. :)


Shonni said...

Those pictures are really cute, and the story behind them is even cuter!

Deborah said...

Love the pictures, especially the lighting. Definitely one for the positive category with having so much snow. Your kids are beautiful.

G.B. said...

Found your blog today through BlogHer and I just can't read enough:) Am amazed at your heart and passion and have just been blessed.

Kelly said...

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post on We Are Grafted In. My husband is a carpenter and I love watching my sons build with him. And now our daughters get out there with their little toy belts to help, too. I appreciated your thoughts on the orphan and all that he/she gains when their family finds them--accepts all their imperfections and loves them beyond measure.

We are in the process of our second adoption. Thanks for the encouragement. Your family is beautiful.


Unknown said...

Your family brings tears to my eyes. In a good way of course!

Beautiful kids; beautiful photos; beautiful hearts.
