The VBS program at my church was scheduled to start on Sunday night, and on Saturday, one of our sponsor families contacted me. She was scheduled to present a fund-raiser for another project at VBS, but knowing the urgent drought situation in Ethiopia, she requested that I present the Trees of Glory well project instead! (Thank you Jenny, Phyllis and Misty!)
As the VBS program kicked off and the fund-raiser challenge was presented, the kids were curious to know what they were raising funds for ...
I showed the kids photos I took in Ethiopia last year, and they listened so attentively and with wide eyes. I showed them the round, mud huts with the thatch roofs where many of the kids live ...
- and I showed them photos of the interior of one of those huts ... and pointed out how the family (with 7 kids!) slept on the floor and their few articles of clothing were kept in plastic grocery bags.
I also asked them to notice what was NOT in the photos .... and they were quick to assess that there was no sinks, no faucets, no showers, no washing machine and no toilet. And then we talked about all the things we do with water every day, like drink it, and cook with it, and wash hands, or wash clothes, or flushing the toilet.
The kids were wide eyed as we talked about how they walk to the river or the village spigot to fill water jugs and carry them home. And I explained how with no rain ... the rivers dry up, and gardens don't grow - and there is no water and there is no food.
The kids at VBS will be fund-raising each evening during the week for the kids at TOG!!
If you would like to make a donation to the well project at Trees of Glory care-point in Ethiopia, please go to, click on GIVE
Specify DESIGNATED GIFT, enter your donation amount
In the Reference Number, specify ET2119000
In the Notes area, specify TOG WELL
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