So, about the turtle eggs ... It's turtle egg laying season in MN and Emme has been on the lookout every day. During a walk one evening, we happened upon a turtle digging a hole. We were careful to approach slowly so we would not scare her off. She hissed at us a few times, but once she got the hole dug, she began laying eggs ... 13 eggs in all.

You can barely see a little glimmer of white down in the hole - that's a turtle egg!

Over the weekend, we went to an Ethiopian community event in Mpls with the Hutchinson family. (The Hutchinsons travelled to Ethiopia with us and adopted 2 little girls, when we adopted our two sons.) The first thing I noticed were the numerous other families that looked just like ours! The second thing we noticed was the delicious smell of spices and food that brought back instant memories of Ethiopia. Jayden sniffed the air and with a big smile on his face said, "Mom! Smells good!" Needless to say, both boys devoured their injera and doro wat. It was delicious!

At the Ethipian Kids Community event, we also purchased a large, picture book for our kids called "Tsion's Voice." It is full of pictures of every day life in Ethiopian and we have spent several evenings pouring over the pictures with all of the kids. There are many pictures we recognize from our trip - from curbside fruit stands, and butcher shops, to goat herds and meal preparation. It really is a great book to have for your Ethiopian children. The website is

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