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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kids say the funniest things ...

As we tucked small bags of mini m&m's into hiding places around the backyard, I looked up into the windows of the house to see if the kids were peeking.  No little faces peered back from the windows, and we finished hiding the Easter candy.

I called to the kids, letting them know they could search for the candy.  In years past, I was always able to pick up Nestle's chocolate eggs with pastel foil wrappers.  Conveniently, each package had 4 colors of foil wrappers, which worked perfectly for us!  We could assign each child a specific color - and then hide the eggs in easy places for the littlest kids, and hard places for the older kids - and everyone searched only for their assigned color. 

Before we turned the kids loose, I explained that I could not find the chocolate covered eggs at the store this year, and that instead we hid packages of the mini m&m's.  Emme looked at me with an incredulous look on her face and hands on her hips, and said, "You hid mini m&m's??????  We'll NEVER find them!!!"

I held up a little package with a smile and showed her that they were in packages ... and that I did NOT hide individual mini m&m's throughout the backyard!

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