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Monday, October 13, 2008

Teetering on the brink ...

Please pray for the Forrest family. They waited so patiently for a sibling referral under the ages of 2 - a rare occurrence. Their prayers were answered when the call came with a referral of a little boy around 2 and his 4 month old sister. They recently found out that their tiny daughter had been hospitalized with pneumonia. Initially the prognosis was dicey - and she did not seem to be responding to treatment. After much prayer, she rallied and seemed to be making a recovery. Today - the Forrests found out that their precious daughter who they had grown to love so much, and yet had never met, passed away. Our entire adoption family is deeply saddened by this news. We are grieving with them - and it is another frightening reminder that all of our children are teetering on the brink of life and death (sickness and heath) until we can bring them home. See their blog in my blog roll list at right.

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